:STAGE.1. It has been long dt I've been serving mens, bt nw I thought it is right time I back 2 serving my female frnds. Pls u ladies dt r fortunate lik m, yes, I mean we female dt r fall into d category of wife "in, husband out".
HERE IS GOOD NEWS 4 U, trully some piple may say self touch or self
masturbating is nt good. Pls they r all lie. It is good due 2 some
reasons. 1. It save u frm irrational desire pursue dt can send u out of
ur husband house in no time, or break ur ever lasting courtship, shu ur
secreet affair wth his frnd, his bro, uncle bachelor, road side mecho or
"baba bangbesi ti ile bada" lick out @ last.
* If u r fortunate lik m dt ur man is nt always @ home, or in d same country u lives & u need 2 digest ur uhn, uhn. Ehn, ehn u get it?, pls u can easily help urself out with dis my lecture dan looking 4 wht is nt loss btwn any man legs b4 d owner's back.
* 2. It is scientifically support. E.g, self cross examination on breasts cancer thaught every women how 2 massage their breasts hard &vigorously. Should we say dis is nt welcom? D same method apply 2d pussy. It is made 2 kno dt, it is good 4 a woman 2b touch till she release her cum at least twice in a month, so tel m how many men hav d chance 2 play their woman till dey cum dis day? Dnt u kno many thing they hav in their head dan waste much time to play their women till they cum.
* 3. @ 1 a lecture in Lome, we were made 2beileve dat squirt, flud in d pussy make woman look more young. Since football, game, politics, club, economic, sugar mumy & so on has so much occupied our mens heart 2 hav much chance in playing with those 13 organs made up d whole female vulva till will cum, i think we better embrace d following step 2 easy out ourselve, since we've all agreed dt squirt, fluid, n female cum is very good 2 our long living.

* If u r fortunate lik m dt ur man is nt always @ home, or in d same country u lives & u need 2 digest ur uhn, uhn. Ehn, ehn u get it?, pls u can easily help urself out with dis my lecture dan looking 4 wht is nt loss btwn any man legs b4 d owner's back.
* 2. It is scientifically support. E.g, self cross examination on breasts cancer thaught every women how 2 massage their breasts hard &vigorously. Should we say dis is nt welcom? D same method apply 2d pussy. It is made 2 kno dt, it is good 4 a woman 2b touch till she release her cum at least twice in a month, so tel m how many men hav d chance 2 play their woman till dey cum dis day? Dnt u kno many thing they hav in their head dan waste much time to play their women till they cum.
* 3. @ 1 a lecture in Lome, we were made 2beileve dat squirt, flud in d pussy make woman look more young. Since football, game, politics, club, economic, sugar mumy & so on has so much occupied our mens heart 2 hav much chance in playing with those 13 organs made up d whole female vulva till will cum, i think we better embrace d following step 2 easy out ourselve, since we've all agreed dt squirt, fluid, n female cum is very good 2 our long living.

USED D 3 STEPS...(see pretender dey yin mun, olodo, inu e ndun, bt she
wont comment, onirase boobi owa keko, oft wa nile fun e babe yi).
Getting In The Mood - The most important
thing you can do if you want to be sure that
you climax when masturbating is first
getting in the mood. Getting in the mood is
something that varies greatly from person
to person.
For some, they find that all they need to do
is lie down on their bed to get in the mood.
While for others, they like to drag it out by
having a shower, applying some body lotion
all over their body, lighting some candles,
playing their favorite music and putting on
something really comfortable before sitting
down on a nice comfy chair.
Ensure Privacy - If you want to truly relax
and get in the mood before you start
masturbating, then make sure that you
won't be disturbed by anyone.
For most people, this means masturbating in
their bedroom or doing it when their
roommates/parents/partner is not in the
house. You might also find turning your
phone to silent is a good idea too. This
means that if you like getting vocal as you
masturbate, you won't have to worry about
someone hearing you.
By the way, if you are looking for tips &
advice on getting more vocal, you may be
interested in this article on talking dirty .
Your Clit - Most find that having a clitoral
orgasm is far easier than having a vaginal
orgasm when learning how to masturbate,
so first we are going to focus on the clit. If
you don't already know about your clit, it's
the small nub of firm skin the gets slightly
bigger when you're aroused. It's located
just above your vagina and is concealed
under small folds of skin. It's very sensitive,
especially right after you climax.
To stimulate it, try gently rubbing it with
your fingers. You may find that it's so
sensitive, that it's actually more pleasurable
to provide it with indirect stimulation ,
rubbing around it, instead of touching it
More from Your Tango: The 8 Best Sex
Positions For Female Orgasm
It's best if you start off massaging it slowly
and gently and gradually build up how
intensely you touch it as you are reaching
climax. Then as you climax, ease right off as
it will be incredibly sensitive to touch.
Hitting Your G Spot - Another type of
orgasm, that many prefer to regular clitoral
orgasms, is the G Spot orgasm. But before
you can start stimulating it, you need to
actually find the G Spot. It only appears and
becomes engorged when you are aroused.TO B CONTINUE IN STAGE...2
Getting In The Mood - The most important
thing you can do if you want to be sure that
you climax when masturbating is first
getting in the mood. Getting in the mood is
something that varies greatly from person
to person.
For some, they find that all they need to do
is lie down on their bed to get in the mood.
While for others, they like to drag it out by
having a shower, applying some body lotion
all over their body, lighting some candles,
playing their favorite music and putting on
something really comfortable before sitting
down on a nice comfy chair.
Ensure Privacy - If you want to truly relax
and get in the mood before you start
masturbating, then make sure that you
won't be disturbed by anyone.
For most people, this means masturbating in
their bedroom or doing it when their
house. You might also find turning your
phone to silent is a good idea too. This
means that if you like getting vocal as you
masturbate, you won't have to worry about
someone hearing you.
By the way, if you are looking for tips &
advice on getting more vocal, you may be
interested in this article on talking dirty .
Your Clit - Most find that having a clitoral
orgasm is far easier than having a vaginal
orgasm when learning how to masturbate,
so first we are going to focus on the clit. If
you don't already know about your clit, it's
the small nub of firm skin the gets slightly
bigger when you're aroused. It's located
just above your vagina and is concealed
under small folds of skin. It's very sensitive,
especially right after you climax.
To stimulate it, try gently rubbing it with
your fingers. You may find that it's so
sensitive, that it's actually more pleasurable
to provide it with indirect stimulation ,
rubbing around it, instead of touching it

More from Your Tango: The 8 Best Sex
Positions For Female Orgasm
It's best if you start off massaging it slowly
and gently and gradually build up how
intensely you touch it as you are reaching
climax. Then as you climax, ease right off as
it will be incredibly sensitive to touch.
Hitting Your G Spot - Another type of
orgasm, that many prefer to regular clitoral
orgasms, is the G Spot orgasm. But before
you can start stimulating it, you need to
actually find the G Spot. It only appears and
becomes engorged when you are aroused.TO B CONTINUE IN STAGE...2
my baby wil burn in fire