{Hi frnds, pls it encourage us
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thanks..}. Lets read as d writer has it:
Quincy Davis has been in a ton
trouble ever since her father passed away,
and to make a long story short, her mother,
Joan Davis, has decided to commit her
daughter to the Norhtern States School for
Wayward Girls!!! The school adminsitrator, a
Harriett Taggert, has taken both Joan and her
daughter into a back room where Quincy was
tied down on a doctor's examining table
where upon Harriett Taggert slipped a
minature remote control vibrator inside of
her cunt!!! This, however, is only the half of it,
because Harriett Taggert then attached a gold
clit ring to the poor girls clitoris and much to
her dismay, soldered it permanently in place!!!
The ring also contained a micro chip that can
be activated from another remote that almost
instanteously inducing vicious orgasms to its
subject!!! Finally, and most importantly, the
last device Harriett Taggert forced Quincy to
wear was a chastity belt that was locked over
the genitals, making sexual fulfillment
impossible unless the belt was removed or
the vibe or clit ring was activated!!! Our story
picks up with Quincy being half dragged to
her new dormitory room in a state of shock
after Harriett had buzzed her clit with a series
of brutal cums!!! "Put her in here," Harreitt
Taggert said to the burly guard who was
dragging Quincy down the dormitory hall,
"she can share a room with Allison, another
screw off if there ever was one!!!" After using
a magnetic pass key to unlock the door,
Harriett stepped into the room and the guard
followed by shoving Quincy inside!!! Over one
the bed lying nude, except for her chasitity
belt was very pretty blonde girl who was
trying to get some sleep!!! "Wake up, Allison,"
Harriett said firmly, "I want you to meet your
new roommate!!!" Allison rolled out of bed,
and with tired eyes looked Quincy over before
saying, "It's nice to meet you, I'm Allison
Bristal!!!" Before Quincy could reply in kind,
"Harriett Taggert went on, "Allison's been
here for over a year now, so she can fill you in
on all of the rules an regulations that you are
to adhere to, so if there's nothing else, the
doors will unlock promptly at six for dinner,"
and then with a nod to the guard, she was
out of the room and gone!!!" "What a witch,"
Quincy said under her breath, "I hate her!!!"
"Me too, honey," Allison replied softly, "but
don't ever let her here you saying it or you'll
live to regret it!!!" Quincy subconciously
began tugging on her belt, but with a short
harsh laugh Allison offered, "Forget it, you'll
never get it off, believe me I've tried and it's
just like she said, impossible!!!" "Why are you
naked," Quincy asked while staring at Allison's
large firm breasts!?!" "She didn't mention
that, did she," Allison replied, "rule number
one, all of the girls will be naked except for
their belts at all times, no exceptions!!!"
"You're kidding," Quincy said incredulously,
"you mean even when we're in class and
stuff!?!" "Especially when we're in class,"
Allison shot back, "sometimes if the teachers
will make two of us stand in the front of the
class and press our breasts together and kiss
each other on the lips!!!" "W-what for,"
Quincy asked softly!?! "To get us sexually
aroused," Allison replied, "then they start
playin' around with the rings and vibes!!!"
"Do they make you cum," Quincy asked
fearfully!?! "Are you kidding," Allison replied,
"sometimes they give you so many you can't
even count them all!!!" Quincy felt all her
strength easing oozing out of her, and as she
plopped down on her bunk, Allison said soflty,
"You might as well get that top off, if they
catch you with it on you're gonna get
punished!!!" The dining room was large and
well appointed, and Quincy guessed that
there were probably about one hundred fifty
girls there eating their dinner!!! Guards were
stationed at each exit, and much to Quincy's
chagrin, Harriett Taggert roamed through the
crowd, stopping periodically to feel the
breasts of some of the girls!!! After about a
half hour, when everyone was finished
eating, Harriett Taggert held up her hand to
quiet the room, and then made an
anouncement, "Since this is Saturday, we're
going to have a little live entertainment, so
without further or do, would Allison Parks
and Quincy Davis please join me in the front
of the room!!!" "W-what does she want with
us," Quincy fearfully asked Allison!?! With a
sad look on her face, Allison patted Quincy on
the arm and whispered, "It's too late, honey,
just do as you're told, if you resist, your
punishment will be severe!!!" The two naked
girls(except for their belts), made their way
up to where Harriett Taggert was standing,
while some of the girls in the audience yelled
out words of encouragment!!! "Okay," Mz.
Taggert said after the both of them were
standing next to her, "You both have very nice
breasts, so just to get the ball rolling, why
don't you two face each other and rub you
nipples together!?!" From the tone of her
voice Quincy could tell that it wasn't a request
but a demand, so with a little trepidation, she
turned to face Allison, and after only a
moment's hesitation leaned forward until
their nipples were softly brushing together!!!
"Oh my," Quincy whispered to Allison, "that
feels very nice, mmmmm yes, just like that!!!"
"Hey, girls," Harriett said approvingly, "they
both love it, shall I give them a little bit of
encouragement!?!" While the cheers and the
call of "do it, do it!!!", rang throughout the
lunch room Harriett Taggert slipped a small
remote control box from her pocket, and after
entering the two girls' code numbers, she
pressed the activation button which
immediately switched on the vibrators deep
in their pussies!!! Instantaneously both of
them gasped while their pussies were being
gently massaged by the incessant humming
inside of them!!! "It looks like they're enjoying
themselves, ladies," Harriett Taggert opined,
"how about if we turn up the volume just a
bit," and with just a touch of a button, the
intensity of the humming grew by ten fold
while orgasm after orgasm wracked each of
their now dripping cunts!!!
What was at first
just a soft pressing together of the nipples,
had now turned into a passionate embrace
complete with deep French kissing and of
course the cupping of each other's plump
bottoms while the vibrating little hummers
did their dirty work!!! After about ten minutes
or so of continuous uninterupted climaxes,
mercifully, Harriett turned of the juice and
allowed the two shaking young women to
finally relax!!! Once back in their room, Quincy
flopped down on her bed and began crying,
sure that tonight had been just about the
most embarrassing moment of her life!!! "It
won't do any good bawling about it," Allison
said softly while toweling off after her
shower, "and believe me, it can get a lot
worse!!!" Quincy blew her nose into her
handkerchief, and after wiping the tears from
her eyes, asked Allison, "How on earth could it
get any worse, we just had sex in front of
over two hundred people!?!" Allison walked
over and sat down on the edge of Quincy's
bunk and after patting the poor girl on the
shoulder offered, "Honey, the last time my
folks came up for a visit, guess what that
fucking witch, Taggert made me do!?!" "I
dunno," Quincy replied, "what!?!" "After
Taggert brought me up to her office, she took
me into that lovely little examining room of
hers where both of my folks were waiting!!!"
"W-why did she have them in there," Quincy
asked nervously, "I thought that room was
just used during registration!?!" "Ha," Allison
spat, "you don't know the half of it, once we
were in that damn room, that fucking cunt
made me suck my dad's cock!!!" "Y-you've got
to be kidding," Quincy replied in abject
horror, "please, tell me you're just pulling my
leg!!!" "I wish I were," Allison replied grimly,
"but I'm afraid that I'm not, she then made
me pull his penis out of his trousers, it was
unbelievable!!!" "D-did she make you suck
him to completion," Quincy asked softly, "I
mean did he cum in your mouth!?!" "Honey,
he shot it twice in my mouth," Allison said
bitterly, "and she made me swallow it, too!!!"
"But what about your mother," Quincy fairly
screamed, "where in the hell was she when all
this was going on!?!" "She was sitting right
there," Allison replied!!! "You mean right in
the same room, when you were sucking your
dad's cock," asked Quincy incredulously!?!
"Yep," Allison replied, "she was right there
and never said a fucking word, that bitch
Taggert had her so fucking terrified she was
afraid to speak up!!!" "Okay, I agree that's
bad," Quincy responded, "but at least it was in
private!!!" "Yeah," Allison questioned, "but I'm
not finished, I still had a little more work to
do!?!" "What'd she make you do," Quincy
asked, "cum with your clit ring or
something!?!" "I wish," Allison answered
sadly, "as soon as dad emptied his nut sack
for the second time, Taggert grabbed me by
the hair and literally dragged me over to
"S-she didn't," Quincy interupted her,
"she didn't make you do her too, did she!?!"
"You got it, sport," Allison retorted, "right
there on the fucking floor, had mom hike up
her dress and after she tugged of her panties,
she shoved my mouth right into mom's
cunt!!!" "Good grief," Quincy exclaimed, "I was
really sad when my dad died, but at least she
can't make me suck him off!!!" "Don't worry,"
Allison replied, "that evil cunt will find
something just as degrading for you, who
know what she'll think up!!!" Quincy shook
her head slowly, and as an afterthought
asked, "Did your mom cum, too, I mean did
she have an orgasm when you were sucking
her off!?!" "Oh, yeah," Allison answered
quickly, "she came like a rocket, at least three
hard cums, she musta not a had it for a while,
cuz she was fucking on fire!!!" "Did Taggert
ever use vibe or the clit ring when your folks
were there!?!" "Yeah, she did," Allison replied,
"after mom blew her last nut, the old bitch
showed my dad exactly how the remote
worked, and much to my disbelief, he used it
himself to get me off with my clit ring!!!"
"Well," Quincy said mockingly, "you know how
men like remote controls, he probably
thought it ran a big screen TV!!!" Even Allison
had to chuckle at that one, but she quickly
became seious again when she replied, "Well
you're absolutely right about one thing, he
loved the idea of controlling a woman with a
remote control, so you're just not gonna
believe what happened next!!!" "You mean
there's more," Quincy asked, "how could
there be unless she had you suck a monkey
or something!!!" "Jesus christ," Allison said
with mock anger, "don't let old lady Taggert
hear you saying that, she'll probably take you
up on it, but seriously, back to my dad and the
remote, dad was so enthused about the way
it worked, he had Taggert put a ring on
mom's clit!!!" "Nooooooo," Quincy exclaimed
totally dumb founded, "you mean to say that
your mother has one of these little buzzers on
her clit, too!?!" "Exactly like it," Allison replied,
"mom tried to protest but Taggert cracked
her across the face with the back of her hand
and mom never made another peep!!!" "Then
what happened," Quincy asked, "this is just
too, fucking much, did they have to strap her
in!?!" "Nope, she just laid there really still
while they shot her full of pain killer and
attached her ring," Allison said, "but as soon
as the medication wore off, they tested it out
and before I knew what was happening my
mom was on her knees sucking Taggert's
shaved pussy for all she was worth!!!" "My
god," Quincy asked softly, "you mean that
Taggert gets involved with the sex stuff
personally!?!" "Are you kidding," Allison said
derisively, "she's the biggest lezzie you've ever
seen, and this place is like a happy hunting
ground to her, and each and all of us at one
time or another are on her list to fuck!!!" "W-
when does she do it," Quincy asked fearfully,
"I mean does she sneak in her in the middle
of the night or something!?!" "No, nothing
like that," Allison replied,

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