I see some men complainning abt having short penis. I keep telling dem nt 2 b feel condorm abt d size of d penis they've got, bt how sharp, strong n good they can make used of it matter most. I always advice some house wives who complain of short size of their husband d role n style they can embrace 2 help out, in which it has been helping dem so far. COME NW LADIES SEASON: Thousand of ladies has really lodge much complain abt d way their boobs just turn flat. Some claim they neva involve in abortion or whterver, yet they hav sagging breasts. Some claim 2 b born with sagging boobs, which most of d ladies with sagging boobs saying they r ashame of it. DEAR SIS, DNT EVER feel bad abt ur own destined, dnt feel bad abt wht u've got dt cant be remove, remedy, style, idea n unique way 2 make dem look attractive n sexy is way out 4 u, pls lets treat dis matter 2geda n i will b expecting ur various ?s in my inbox. Thank u. SAGGING OF D BREAST: Does wearing of the bra prevent sagging Does breast feeding cause sagging Does not wearing of the bra cause sagging Does sucking or foundling of the breast cause sagging Find out all this in the article below Ptosis of the breast is the medical term for what in popular culture is referred to as drooping or sagging female breasts. Many women and medical professionals mistakenly believed that the breast itself offered insufficient support and that wearing a bra prevented sagging. Many also believed that nursing increased sagging. Ptosis is a natural consequence of aging. The rate at which a woman develops and the degree of ptosis depends on many factors.
Sagging is partly determined by inherited traits like skin elasticity and breast density, which affects the ratio of lightweight fat to heavier mammary glands. Some of the sagging is due to the aging of the glandular tissues that produce breast firmness.The biggest factors affecting ptosis are cigarette smoking, a woman's body mass index (BMI), her number of pregnancies, her breast cup size before pregnancy, and age. Large breasted women who engage in vigorous exercise and don't wear a correctly sized sports bra can stretch breast connective tissue. When running, for example, breasts move three dimensionally: vertically, horizontally, and laterally, in an overall figure-8 motion. Unrestrained movement of large breasts may contribute to sagging over time.Motion studies have revealed that when a woman runs, more than 50% of the breast's total movement is vertical, 22% is side-to-side, and 27% is in-and-out. During pregnancy, the ovaries and the placenta produce estrogen and progesterone. These hormones stimulate the 15 to 20 lobes of the milk-secreting glands in the breasts to develop. Women who experience multiple pregnancies repeatedly stretch the skin envelope during engorgement while lactating. As a woman's breasts change in size during repeated pregnancies, the size of her breasts change as her mammary glands are engorged with milk and as she gains and loses weight with each pregnancy.In addition, when milk production stops (usually as a child is weaned), the voluminous mammary glands diminish in volume, but they still add bulk and firmness to the breast. These changes in the mammary glands contribute further to sagging. In middle-aged women, breast ptosis is caused by a combination of factors. If a woman has been pregnant, whether or not she has breastfed her children, postpartum hormonal changes will cause her depleted milk glands to atrophy. Breast tissue and suspensory ligaments may also be stretched if the woman is overweight or loses and gains weight. When these factors are at play, the breast prolapses, or falls forward. When a woman with sagging breasts stands, the underside or inferior skin of the breast folds over the infra-mammary fold and lies against the chest wall. The nipple-areola complex tends to move lower on the breast relative to the inframammary crease. The nipple of the breast may also tend to point downward. BRA AND SAGGING Since breasts are an external organ and do not contain muscle, exercise cannot improve their shape. They are not protected from external forces and are subject to gravity. Many women mistakenly believe that because breasts cannot anatomically support themselves that wearing a brassiere will prevent their breasts from sagging later in life. Researches, bra manufacturers, and health professionals cannot find any evidence to support the idea that wearing a bra for any amount of time slows breast ptosis. Bra manufacturers are careful to claim that bras only affect the shape of breasts while they are being worn. Bras don't prevent sagging "There's no medical evidence that wearing a bra could prevent sagging, because the breast itself is not muscle so keeping it toned up is an impossibility." , "Bras don't prevent breasts from sagging, with regard to stretching of the breast ligaments and drooping in later life, that occurs very regularly anyway, and that's a function of the weight, often of heavy breasts, and these women are wearing bras and it doesn't prevent it. lifelong bra wearing is crucial to preserving curves persists, along with other misguided notions about that fetching bit of binding left over from the days when a wasp waist defined the contours of a woman’s power. ligaments have nothing to do with supporting breast tissue... They just serve to divide the breast into compartments." most women's breasts begin to droop with age and that extremely large-breasted women are generally more affected. However, sagging is not related to ligaments or dependent on breast size. Pare away the fiction and fears, and the pros and cons of the bra come down to this: If a woman chooses to wear one because it makes her feel good-more supported, more under control or just prettier-more power to her... women let pain be their guide when deciding whether to wear a bra during exercise, and when choosing a particular style. Large- breasted women may be uncomfortable exercising without a bra, “It’s not doing any lasting damage to chest muscles or breast tissue.” “those who wore an A cup were frequently most comfortable with no bra at all." Bralessness improved comfort wearing a bra may have an overall negative effect on sagging breasts. In a Japanese study, 11 women were measured wearing a standardised fitted bra for three months. They found that breasts became larger and lower, with the underbust measurement decreasing and the overbust increasing, while the lowest point of the breast moved downwards and outwards. The effect was more pronounced in larger- breasted women.This may be related to the particular bra chosen for the experiment, as there was some improvement after changing to a different model.
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