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Ask urself d following "?s";
1) Who Am i?. Y am i in world?
2) Am I too big 2 deal wt human lik m?.
3) Do i stl nid human in my life?.
4) Can i share d time wt my partner or is alL my "Times" 4my busines.
Ans dis aft jugde urself;
5) Bt 4whom is d busines value?.
6) Whn last did u examine ursef&ditamin wat nid corection in ur entire life?
DEFINE UR TYPE;If u ar d type dt can't spare UR time wt any1 else dan ur busines partner u beta dnt marid. U might nt agree wt m bt i kno soon u wl see it as nothin bt d truth,dt u nid REKINDLING.
TIME BUY SUCCESS;Whn a couple fails 2find time 2 purposefully create a means 4 intimacy, y raising thier children, they ar going 2end up living 2geda lik 2co-tenants wen d kids ar all gone.
GET 2 TRIP WT UR PARTNER: An occasional getaway trip is essential in d lives of marid pipu. "D rationale behind dis is dt no amount of lv dt w shower on our children, they wl leave us 1day. D ? Is wat hapens 2us wen they start living thier lives?".
WAT COST U:It might cost u time&money,bt d investiment wl pay off. So,get out ur calendar&mark off a few days jus 4 d2 of u.
PUT UR MONEY;&d time where ur commitment lies: which is u&ur lv.
RELAX; I 1da Y pipu do find it hard 2relax in thier life wt thier partner. Try 2kno dt vacation is a perfect time 2relax & eroticaly, sensually & tantalisingly reach out 2ur spouse. Wt regular vacations, chances 4lv, passion, flirtation,&4play ar limitless.
DO UR MONEY REFLECT IN U?. Wave off d fact dt am pleading 2u 2 create time 4ur partner. Bt it make u value urself. Do u agree wt m dt sitting in d sun is nt d sign of lazynes. If u take ur time out of ur locality area & visit other place, U might si wat u've lack,wat u shu do mor. It make u si wat 2corect, adjust, redress & mend so far in ur life. U wl hav oportunity 2si where ur roof lick, where shoes pinch u. Bt if u kip bussy al d times,frm ofice church, frm church serv' 2readin, frm reading 2diner,&so on, it wl wipe alot of good tunes u might need 2 dance 2 in life.
MAKE THINGS NEW;D truth i wl tel u is dt,each time couple intentionally makes things look fresh&new,it wl work out jus lyk dt. U only achieve dis wen u introduce d idea of givin time 4 1selve. My Mum used 2tel my dad dt "chances ar those moments involved a tender touch,holding hands, a gentle caress, on a cheek, & an arm around d shoulder dt can revived in a husband's memory & such memories cud b a catalyst 4fresh touches". Do u bilif dt?.
IT IS HARD 2ENJOY SEX OUT OF NO TIME; Yap,it is also critical 2build strong romance,sex&intimacy in marriage wen u get no time 4ur partner&u kip complain, "..he is poor sexy".
There shu b stages 4 sex done; begin frm gud talk, touching, smoothing, nagging, massaging, sucking, friging,&com last d fucks. Lets say 30min 4 each stage,si nw we ar havin clox 2 3hrs on bed. Bt a woman who com home late & stl hav 2eat, bath, read, prepare 4 2moro b4 sleepin cant able 2make man go tru such journey. So both partners loose alot. God designed&created us out of precious Time, Y den mus u fail 2giv urself d gud time?.
U CAN MAKE SOUR FOOD SWEET WEN U ADD TIME 2D EATEN; A gud time on gentle squeeze on ur partners shoulder as she prepare a food can make her prepared a dish u were paying thousand 4 @Mr Biggs. A much time on caress talking on his back as he eat d food can make him 4get ur food is sour wen eaten, do u bilif dt?.Time solve many problem dt words cant solve @time in relationship.
IT WIPE AWAY MISTAKE: Givin ur partner gud&adequate time do wipe away alot of physical mistake. Do nt lose touch,it is 1 of d most vital thing ur partner need. U can jus laugh 2geda. "Laugh bonds pipu". It is lik taking vitamins 4ur affairs. A cheerful heart is gud medicine. So giv time dt touch out mistake in ones life. Dnt take urself tu serious.
EMOTIONA INTIMACY; 1 of d causes of d gaps btwn husbands&wives lies in thier notio of emotional intimacy. To women; intimacy means sharing secrets,talking over things,cudding. Hweva 2men; it means doin things 2geda-gardenin, fixin gadgets, watchin futbal. It is a lot beta wen a wife joins a husband in share activity dt they both enjoi.
DISCUSS UR EMOTIONA NEED: dis self include self esteem need. If u ar feeling neglected or u wish 2b admire, say so. Pls always talk d thing dt make u angry.
RELEASE D SEX IN BLISSFUL; Sex is absolutely necesary 4 a blissful marriage. Talk abt sex wt ur spouse.
2MAKE IT WORK,NID NOTHING: It requires no-MUCH sacrifice or consultation,wen u nid sucess in mariage. It jus requires initiative which I bilif all things cud b finetune.
Y D FAILURES; Africans dnt kno how 2giv GUD TIME 2do anythin right frm d time of courtship & dts Y u si many union break up later.
- -they rush 2approach demselve.
- -they rush 2fuck demselve.
- -they rush 2get demselve pregnant&ruch 2mary.
- And dts Y they ruch 2break apart in no time.
Well partly true