ONCE HITED,MAR D REST JOY; (who say sex dnt heal d hurt soul, rebuild d broken home, helping d scatter nation as a whole.). Well, Once Hited which Mar d Rest Joy wl reveal such scene.
True Life Story of Tola; she was an orphan, she saw her mum singing 2 her ears as she was coddle her @hosp bed & she was seriously vomiting. Den Dr informed her mum d amount she nided 2sustain her life,in which her capacity didnt cary & as her mum back 2d Hosp in empty hand, she den stood by her bed side, & started singing d song 2her hears: "evendho u wont make it,I stl hav 1 thing 4u 2go along wt, which is my lv,bcus separatn is only d law on earth,Y re-union is d law of heaven..etc" & as she 4low her mumy in d chorus of dis song, she jus woke up frm d dream.
@2PM; she was 2led a caro choirs,she is 12yrs old&weneva she rememba d dream, she wl begin d song dt no 1 wont cry hearing her choruses d vibe.
CROWD CRY; Dis is d same track she sang in 1 Xmaz Caro dt make dis Pastor &d whole church wept along wt her, &til she finished reciting d tract her Mum didnt stp dancing 2d music in her rhem, which she was only 1 see. She felt&colapsed @d end of d music. She was rushed 2d Hosp &frm d hosp she wasnt alow 2return 2d orphange. D Pastr adopted her.
ON HER 22BIRTHDAY; D Pastr son lucky 2arrived on d day. Bodunde kno clearly dt Omotola wasn't belong 2thier family bcus he was there whn Tola was picked up by his dad. Afta d party was over,he trip her out 2beach wt his dad's car, wen comin back,they decided 2 eat @1 eatry centa in Aja.
Ungetting there,they've been served already bt an insect flee over thier food,dis amazed Bodunde,he kno al dis dnt happen frm d State where he came frm, dis scene make him left d food.
They thought they could com along wt anoda eatry centa intime,bt instead,they kip seen 1 hotel afta d other,wt d level of d hungry in dem,they branch in an hotel,where there is much crowd. Bodunde been a shy guy quickly order 4a room where he could eat his food. D way Tola was eaten her own food in delicazy way really trill Bodunde &he cant eat anymr, he jus stared @her, &imidatly Tola realised dt he has been gazing @her 4a Y,
d last morsel of Semo she hold fell on her laps & stained d white skirt she put on, 'Am Sory!!' Bodunde said&order 4liquid detergent,as d Service went out,Bodunde put d table aside fairly&kneel in within her 2legs jus 2clean d stain spot wt litu liquid soup he pured on his expenxive handkerchief. As he placed his both palms on Tola biurifu laps, somthing lik electrify occur inside Tola system.
D VIBRATION; dominate Her both laps &transfer 2all her vain, d signal returnd d fire 2her both full ass on d sit & dis make her pussy engulf, her public hairs swanped as if they increase in size, den her pussy lips tissue out inside her pant lik ears lava, she couldnt understand her system.
D mor Bodunde press her weight on her laps by brushing d splashed spot in her skirt ontop of her laps,d higher d frequency rosed in her body, in a sec her tommy mix-up 2geda, she felt as if she wl vomit all wat she has ate,bt she contro herself. As she breath out 2relif d action in her, she jus heard "faa,fuu..!" frm her bottom, she tot she has fatling, dis make her mute frm d breathing 2 see if Bodunde wl get irritated of d fatling,bt He didnt,
She den accept dt it wasnt fatling dt came out of her anus, bcus d action repeated itself once mor & d last noise of wht she tot was fatling came out frm her pussy, she realise it wasnt fatling bcus it wasnt frm her anus. Whn Bodunde hand mov on wt d touching, d magnetic force rose up frm her ass on d seat 2her armpit, she observed much sweat in her armpits, her nose has full of water, she nw breaths faster dan b4, &such was d weight frm her head 2her ass increased mor on d sit, she totaly grow weak & she intend 2relax her back on d chair back rest which she tot d chair got, nt knowing it was backless type, bt thank God it is bed dt was placed behind d chair which is very close 2d bed itself,wt slow motion she slept her back on d bed.
ANXIETY;got over Bodunde 2see Tola grow weak suddenly, 'ar u ok,ar u alright?' Was only statement he rememba saying as he got up speedly on his feet 2take a luk @her condition, wen he wud luk straight in2 her eyes ball, both eyes lens has turned frm thier normal black colour 2 somthing lik stone blue,it was den he saw her natura elegance biuti.
Her moderate heard sat right on her neck ontop of her befitin shoulder dt carried her full boobs which point up on d bed she slept her back&her braiding hair style scattered on d bed display much of her biuty. Frm her hip 2d head was on bed, d rest uncover laps down 2d rest legs which came out of d mini skirt pencils mouth sent His mind 2milion mile b4 he cud gada himself 2gda
HOT;He put 1 of his hand in2 d back of her neck 2raise her head up. So as her head was comin up her nose centa bodunde ear&d gas dt was comin out it blew sensatnal 2his ear hole,den his mouth jus..
TOLA: rest her head on his shoda, such her boobs found hited on His chest, he felt d worm of her body temperature so much on him, dt in d spot His vains recieved d magnetic signal which d erected niples has transfered un2 his system as they ar hitting his cheat continiously.
WHN her head reach Bodunde left side ear level, Tola mistakely blew few gas out of her nose, jus 2 easy something lik cold dt has took over her system.
Naturaly, d gas rush inside his ear hole & mis things up in there, it's as if a matches stick jump in2 Petroleum drum, d inner fire make Bodunde nw shaking & started breathing speedly too.
So as he try 2 mov Tola heard away frm his shoulder, unknownly thier lips brush against 1 anoda & d kissing pluss sucking dt 4llow dis accident cant b discribe here.
HER BODY WEIGHT:bcom on bearable 4him as he cary her stil as d actn was goin on. Her body vibration seems 2b multiplys. He felt her navel in d dry tommy swanp up & down, &it seem her boobs now increased in size & stood hard un2 his chest stl. Den wt d increase of d weight Bodunde too nw falling back un2 d bed, so as she found her own hands bcoming lifeless too un holding his neck & she fell on d bed, & such was Bodunde too fell on her since she has slept her back on Bodunde both palms which he used 2 carry her in d 1st place. He couldnt remove d hands easily, dis position make Bodunde chest slept so tight on her 2boobs, b4 he could conclude his tot on his brain,his man hood has aroze,til they go,round1&2,they didnt realize how&wat trigger dem tearing each other pants.
@HOME; whn d history was revealed 2 Bodunde Mum, she decided 2kip d secreet away frm her husbby, due 2d fact dt Bodunde stl met Tola in virgin. Bt can they cover it 4 eva? So, 3mnths later Tola discovered 2&half pregnant rightly b4 her Husbby,Y Bodunde has returned 2d state.
" WHO?, I say tel m who do dis 2u?" Pastr who is Bodunde father wage war against Tola in d house 4d whole week b4 his wife Bodunde mums called on others Pastrs 2announce 2him dt it is his boy who own d incoming babe.
THIER UNION;bear very good prity 3kids in within 12yrs they hav married. It was glammorous in day they mark d re-union of thier mariage pluss celebratn of her 35yrs birthday. Thank God Bodunde has got his own church&Tola was doin her very best as Mumi-Yard 2progress his husband work. Everybody came 2d occassion wt much money&gift 4thier young talented&blessed Pastor Bodunde. D appreciation dt was made last over d largest million of naira dt 1 rich man sent d couple make every1 echoe a very big Allelujah..! B4 every1 left.
WAT A 9TE?;Mumi&dadi stl sleeping elegantly on dia bed @upstair nt knowng thier 3kid&d house help has been hostage by 2men out of hoodlums who came 4thier own share in d million naira gada @d part in aftanoon. D 3 others guy went upstairs & woke mumi&dadi who were stl sleeping on thier water-bed wt expensive white lace nity on thier body.
AS DADI switch on bed side bulb 2si who is tapping him, he saw 3men wt guns pointed @his prity woman, his body vibration woke mumi too. Bt as she was comin up frm d sound sleeping, her nity rope unknownly loosed & her 2 boobs nearly bust out frm d gap in within both pairs of d nity. D way those presentable boobs revealled un2 those guys alert d vain, bcus d light make dem saw d firming boobs clearly. 1 of dem move close 2 Tola & used his own gun 2open d nity mor, dis nw reveal mor of her tick niples & her yellow full hips, Y her black public hair transparent too inside dis light & holes made nity.
WILD THEY BCOM; & thier head spartcle, they make d woman com un2 d egdes of d bed & she was ask 2slept her chest on d bed, rightly beside her husband, they enta her frm d back, as she was trying 2proof sturborn,they hited d gun hook on her hubby head, wen Bodunde can't take it anymor whn d blood has, he beg his wife 2go along wt dem. So, 1 afta d other they make d hell fuck out of dis woman pussy,such she too was given dem widly jus 2save her man.
CHAOS;busted within d couple later. Afta no 1 able 2convince Him 2acept his wife back National CAN president seaced His Pastorate cert, den He back 2 USA, ungeting dia he neva stop drinking&smoking,clubbing,
@D HOSP;he always hav sex wt his woman. So,d day he com back frm d comma,as he had has ejaculate in d dream, such he raised his head up&com back 2 live. As he open his eyes,he saw d back of 1 woman clean a sperm on his dick,wen Tola wl look up,she saw bodun lafing back @her. U r back..
ReplyDeleteGod bless my Queen.