SHE HAS SET M ON FIRE since her arival in my home.She lv wearing a trouser wt half of her ass outside.She always has G-string pant on her,Her bandless Jeans trousers is lik snake skin in her hips&laps.So glitter&she didnt mind d way she walked across my front each times. It has been 4months dt w've gave her room&com a day I went inside her room 2fit her room bulb dt burned as her sis my wife reported 2m,she layed on her bed wt jumper cloth on her body.D rest of her revealed body luk yelo lik pawpaw&her half ass displayed transparently in d micro nicker. She got up&gave m a stood 4raising myself 2fit d bulb,as she hold d stood 4m wt her 2hands on it,I saw her boobs completly frm d neck mouth of her cloth,she bend her waist&d nicker nearly go down on her ass. Yet,She didnt adjust.So whn i came down frm d stood&I mov 2 on d bulb by wall switch,it was all her pants i 1st saw on her anger where she layed dem 2dry.
WE MET:in d corridor on her way frm bath room in 3rd day,she tide d towel round her full boobs,d towel egdes pull up d part of d fresh boobs&i nearly die as she kneel litu 2great m "dadii hi". I percieve d odour of her biurifu bathing soap&I attempt 2kiss her,of which she resists may b bcus of other neighbour,bcus my house is an apartment(d modern face2face type) which normally demacate wt wall.Bt our kitchen is open 2 1anoda.
MEETING @DOOR;whn comin frm rain in 1day,she met m in my bankolly where i was reading as it was raining heavily,she greated m&mov away frm m 2open d door 2 our palour,she didnt kno I've stood up&following her,as she pull off d umbrellas,she wore her as usual bandless trouser which d rain has make every clothes she put on glue un2 her body,imidatly she left d umbrella by door step 2step in2 d palour i jus put my hand enta her trouser frm d back,i make it fast dt i reached her pussy in no time. She jus manage 2 uttered "ihm!" & she stand stl. I quickly squeeze her soaking pussy roughly. She growth weak&rest d left side of her body on d frigde which we placed bside entrance in2 d palour. Whn i try 2 kis her boobs,she came back alive &slapt m twice,yet i didnt remov my hand frm her pussy,by dis time my hand has com 2d front&such i found her legs shaking on d floor. She bite m by d front head. Den i let her go.
CAUGHT @D SCENE:am in lv wt my wife's sis. She has bcom a part of my life,I've only manage 2kis her once&if nt 4 oda co-neighbours am sure w'l hav been doin it regularly since.I've planed 2get a room,so dt she can b comin 2m always b4 d incident dt make m bcam dis hapend.
SHE HAS SET M ON FIRE since her arival in my home.She lv wearing a trouser wt half of her ass outside.She always has G-string pant on her,Her bandless Jeans trousers is lik snake skin in her hips&laps.So glitter&she didnt mind d way she walked across my front each times. It has been 4months dt w've gave her room&com a day I went inside her room 2fit her room bulb dt burned as her sis my wife reported 2m,she layed on her bed wt jumper cloth on her body.D rest of her revealed body luk yelo lik pawpaw&her half ass displayed transparently in d micro nicker. She got up&gave m a stood 4raising myself 2fit d bulb,as she hold d stood 4m wt her 2hands on it,I saw her boobs completly frm d neck mouth of her cloth,she bend her waist&d nicker nearly go down on her ass. Yet,She didnt adjust.So whn i came down frm d stood&I mov 2 on d bulb by wall switch,it was all her pants i 1st saw on her anger where she layed dem 2dry.
WE MET:in d corridor on her way frm bath room in 3rd day,she tide d towel round her full boobs,d towel egdes pull up d part of d fresh boobs&i nearly die as she kneel litu 2great m "dadii hi". I percieve d odour of her biurifu bathing soap&I attempt 2kiss her,of which she resists may b bcus of other neighbour,bcus my house is an apartment(d modern face2face type) which normally demacate wt wall.Bt our kitchen is open 2 1anoda.
MEETING @DOOR;whn comin frm rain in 1day,she met m in my bankolly where i was reading as it was raining heavily,she greated m&mov away frm m 2open d door 2 our palour,she didnt kno I've stood up&following her,as she pull off d umbrellas,she wore her as usual bandless trouser which d rain has make every clothes she put on glue un2 her body,imidatly she left d umbrella by door step 2step in2 d palour i jus put my hand enta her trouser frm d back,i make it fast dt i reached her pussy in no time. She jus manage 2 uttered "ihm!" & she stand stl. I quickly squeeze her soaking pussy roughly. She growth weak&rest d left side of her body on d frigde which we placed bside entrance in2 d palour. Whn i try 2 kis her boobs,she came back alive &slapt m twice,yet i didnt remov my hand frm her pussy,by dis time my hand has com 2d front&such i found her legs shaking on d floor. She bite m by d front head. Den i let her go.
I LATER SMS her&i beg her,I reveal 2her wht she shu change in her dress bcus it always pass wrong impression on my mind.I also beg her 2 delete d sms. 2nd day @wrk,I sent her 5,ooo recharge card.She den reply m dt she has deleted it.I came home so quick in d day.Thank God i met her alone,as i relax little she brought d phone 2m&showd m her inbox dt she has deleted it,she hand over d phone 2m as i collected it & such her sis arrived too,she left d phone on my hand&went away 2 collect d loads frm my wife. I jus got up&went 2my room. As i click on anoda sms I found out a test frm 1 of her man adoring her 4d sweet sex she make 2him last time. I read&i read til her sis prepared my food finished. I checked on her pix&found deferent things dt aroze my mood.Her pix wt her man,her pix on g-string,on bandless,on sleeveless clothes&co,i bluethoot many un2 my phone. Frm den on my mind was on her.
YET:Upon my pleading 2dis girl 2stp dis kind of evil clothes in my house she didnt. Instead,she wl jus demand 4big money frm m 4 unnecesary things or @time much recharge card. By d time my wife got her job,i rememba her trans fare 2work was jus #42o,bt everyday she do demand 4 #1,200 frm m. Dho, she neva treating m face2face. Bt i knew Y she is making such demands. I've many times read her sms whn chrging d phone
&I found out dt she do send d money she used 2collect frm m 2her man. I read lik.. 'dearly pls let dadii giv m d money i wl send it', or 'dadi jus giv m d money i wl send it nw' or 'pls dear here r d credits,load dem intime b4 dadi trow it away'. &I kno am d dadii,as she used 2cal m. Den com a day she jus bath finished,nt known I've hide inside her room,as she enta&lock d door in d back as she used 2,bcus of m. I jus came out frm d back&I pull her chest on d bed,thank God it is G-string pant she wore as usual,i dnt off it i enta her jus lik dt,she 1st scream bt i didnt giv a dam,as i rushed her,she later dance 2d tune.
STEALING;Dts how we began fucking each other 4up 2 2mths. Bt i dnt used 2giv her d demand again,no mata how she treat m. Suddenly we found money,gold&so on material missing in d house. 1day,She has enta my wife room stealing her gold den i came in,she rush 2m&mean 2tease m,i pull her back on d bed den she com on-top&began d wrk.Easily my wife jus com in wt her sis passprt in her hand,she wept much&matchest us badly. She burn d visa&make m dis diformed.
I LATER SMS her&i beg her,I reveal 2her wht she shu change in her dress bcus it always pass wrong impression on my mind.I also beg her 2 delete d sms. 2nd day @wrk,I sent her 5,ooo recharge card.She den reply m dt she has deleted it.I came home so quick in d day.Thank God i met her alone,as i relax little she brought d phone 2m&showd m her inbox dt she has deleted it,she hand over d phone 2m as i collected it & such her sis arrived too,she left d phone on my hand&went away 2 collect d loads frm my wife. I jus got up&went 2my room. As i click on anoda sms I found out a test frm 1 of her man adoring her 4d sweet sex she make 2him last time. I read&i read til her sis prepared my food finished. I checked on her pix&found deferent things dt aroze my mood.Her pix wt her man,her pix on g-string,on bandless,on sleeveless clothes&co,i bluethoot many un2 my phone. Frm den on my mind was on her.
YET:Upon my pleading 2dis girl 2stp dis kind of evil clothes in my house she didnt. Instead,she wl jus demand 4big money frm m 4 unnecesary things or @time much recharge card. By d time my wife got her job,i rememba her trans fare 2work was jus #42o,bt everyday she do demand 4 #1,200 frm m. Dho, she neva treating m face2face. Bt i knew Y she is making such demands. I've many times read her sms whn chrging d phone
&I found out dt she do send d money she used 2collect frm m 2her man. I read lik.. 'dearly pls let dadii giv m d money i wl send it', or 'dadi jus giv m d money i wl send it nw' or 'pls dear here r d credits,load dem intime b4 dadi trow it away'. &I kno am d dadii,as she used 2cal m. Den com a day she jus bath finished,nt known I've hide inside her room,as she enta&lock d door in d back as she used 2,bcus of m. I jus came out frm d back&I pull her chest on d bed,thank God it is G-string pant she wore as usual,i dnt off it i enta her jus lik dt,she 1st scream bt i didnt giv a dam,as i rushed her,she later dance 2d tune.
STEALING;Dts how we began fucking each other 4up 2 2mths. Bt i dnt used 2giv her d demand again,no mata how she treat m. Suddenly we found money,gold&so on material missing in d house. 1day,She has enta my wife room stealing her gold den i came in,she rush 2m&mean 2tease m,i pull her back on d bed den she com on-top&began d wrk.Easily my wife jus com in wt her sis passprt in her hand,she wept much&matchest us badly. She burn d visa&make m dis diformed.
too bad oo
ReplyDeleteThank you my Queen.