HORNY: facts, effects, way out & benefits. As
written by Olumide Gbenga-Eskimo on d
group; limitation 2 sex with queen-oft. BELOW
AR selectd moral guided of d stories 1/6.
HORNY: facts, effects, way out & benefits. As
written by Olumide Gbenga-Eskimo on d
group; limitation 2 sex with queen-oft. BELOW
AR selectd moral guided of d stories 1/6.
Tip..1. FEELING: It is very well known dt African
male r very poor on how 2 study their spouse
mood or feeling. This particular irritative non-
challant behaviour still exist within youth of
Tip..2. IT MAKE A U A LOOSER: spirit of failures
on how 2 study ur spouse feeling has made
many present lovers loose one who could've
be his heaven& earth angel.
Tps..3. GET URSELF OUT: If u ar d type dt neva
kno how 2 study ur woman mood b4 u bcom
a victim of jited bcus u must realise dt,
pussy&dick ar d most precious twins dt God
has manifestd His blessing upon as organ
4better peronaly satisfactn.
Tip..4. OTHER TRIVIAL FACTORS dt african men
r facing whn they shu be cater 4 toasing,
caressing & massage thier wives breasts
range frm pressing phone, calling custormer,
reading bible, schedule 4 2moro wrk, iron
clothes,whreas eachs factors shu hav its due

Tips..5. HUMAN FACTOR shu b d most
important drive dt each of every1 of us must
learn how 2
appreciate, nt 2 just put anything else uponit.
Tips..6. SEX IS AS vital as all other factor too
once u r marry, though is nt mor vital dan
those things. Everything is nt bt sex, bt whn u
mean 2 satisfy ur lady self esteem need, she
need u mor harder, bcus sex is completn of
hapiness & wrk schedule, so u must b good 2
balance in bwtn.
Tips..6: UR OFFSPRING: inherit lot frm u&their
mother if u neva realise dt, how they
demselve&apprec iate other out there begin
frm wht&exactly introsvert they gain frm
"Little U".
Tips..8: "L+U" being ur real caring, cool words,
appreciative drive & d
time factor given un2 dem & their dearly
mama. So if u r nt gud enuf, u cant b
romantically best, if u r nt romantically best, u
can hav plenty things 2 wrk on, on ur
woman's body, den once u dnt d pave way 4
dis, it means u r nt given ur spouse gud time,
which u might likly transfer 2 ur kids soon.

Tips..8. ROMANTIC make family sweet, it settle
family outburst amicably, it always drive
men's heart home. It even create much fear
un2 women's heart. Bcus she wouldnt want 2
loose her everlasting sweeten thing 4 d token
she can gain out there, so by this she will
rather wait 4 her dick @home than taste dt of
her boss, her cab driver, her wrking
colleagues who has been troubling 4 a while.
Tips..9. WOMAN PRESSURE always much trully,
even some woman always turn many
given 2dem 2 thier rights. @ this stage, lets
see d real man in u. If any woman is goin
beyond her highest ideal. Lik want d dick @
11hrs whn u r late 4 wrk, be a man 2 caution
her. Like if woman lov 2 make u fuck her whn
time 4 prayer com up, b a man 2 b in control etc.

Tips...10. REGRET: Lack of good sense of
observing ur woman mood can make u leave
her while she just horny. God will nt cause u 2
say "Had it been i kno, i might hav fuck her
whn i felt she is honny". Pls never leave ur
wife while honey. Give d dick her seriously.
Tips..11. TIME & SIGNS: 4 u 2 begin perform
good wth ur wife, pls giv ur time 2 study her
body language. If d vain in ur wife fore
appear so bold out of her skin, u shu kno wht
her body system needs during d period.
Tips..12. BOOBS INCREASE in size dan wht u
used 2 see or If u see ur wife displaying half
of her boobs
out of her delicacy bra, dear bro, it shu b clear
2U dt ur wife need seriuos touching.
Tips..13. INBALANCING: Whn u notice ur wife
inbalancing in behaviour lik whn she stand
b4 u whn u abt 2 go out of ur bed room, &
place her hands on ur both shoulders, as she
chest out her boobs towards ur chest, & her
eyes sparcle on her eyes sockets, it mean she
passing d message accross 2u.
Tips..14. WOMEN LOV passing accross theIr
sexual needs by body language inform of
which is d main sign dt ladies lv 2 be taken in
sending sexual signal 2 their men disday.
Tips..15. ROUGH: They wont mind taking it
roughly wth u whn they couldnt cope wth d
killing fire taking place in their body. Bt it's
few ladies who'll speak out their sexual desire
2 their men.
Tips..16. STIMULANT: women usually cause
men 2 make much mistake over their sexual
drive. Bcus instead of of 2 speak out their
need 2 men, they'll just b displaying d drive in
Tips..17. UR TASK: most house wive has many
times reached orgams & wouldnt mind their
men 2 sex dem @ d hr, bt how 2 speak out
normally bcom their problem. D problem every
men shu learn how 2 identify 1st dis day with
nwadays women
is, how could u study ur woman mood.
Tips..18. WHT R HER signs of mood &
weakness, u shu also learn how ur woman
will be satisfy. & all dis only done by given her
accurate time, dnt rush her, b steadfast too.
Tips..19. BE BOLD 2 ask ur woman many funny
questn(s). If u dnt learn how 2 kno all these
facts, u ar still making much mistake. Bcus u
might good in suspecting if ur woman need
u, bt do u kno may be she has reach d climax
whn given her d sex.

Tips..20. CLIMAX: Do u realise dt it is during d
time a man must've cum dt woman sexual
arose better?. It is during dis period U'll see
them, twisting her legs against urs, it is then
u'll see her abdomen skipping repeatedly. It is
during this period u'll see her nipples erected
&bcom mor hard than b4.
Tips...21. UR REMARK as potential man only
increase in woman's heart by d time u realise
d fact dt it is after a man must've "cum" dt a
woman passion breaths & deeper much
better 4 serious jack.
Tip..22. EJACULATION: Every men ought 2 had
known by nw dt it is a woman dt "cum' last.
So u must able 2 ask ur woman; ar u satisfy?,
ar ok nw?, can i giv mor? hav u cum? Etc as
4u nt 2 leave d bed 2 fresh up y she just reach
her mood.
Tips..23. DONT: dnt leave d bed wthout asking
ur lady if she is ok. Bcus if u just leave her
without satisfy her ego, She wont fail 2 find
all means 2 satisfy her sexual
desire else where. If u realise u've cum b4 ur
woman, it is better u burkle up & prepare 4
another round of hot, or romantic exercise.
Tips..24. BCUS IF U fail 2 burkle up & begin
another round of solid wrk again on her
pussy as @d moment dt her mood still high, if
u dnt kno, i get 2 tell u, u've already sowing
urself 1 problem or d other, so it is too
dangerous 4 a man 2 cum 1st b4 his woman
cum & leave her behind without try 2 make
her cum too.

Tips..25. DNT SOLD HER OUT: bcus failure
2make her cum @times whn sexing is lik u
wish 2 set ur roof on fire. Bcus any food &
soup she might prepare 4 u in d house in
following day 2d period u deny her of d good
attentn will either b too salty or watery.
Woman dnt mind using ur children sch fees 2
take care of anyman be it Road side mechanic
or Bricklayer who could do her better dan
wht u fail 2do, inspite of dis, neva leave ur
wife alone y horny. SCENE...(2). ADULT RELATED
effects, way out & benefits. As written by
Olumide Gbenga-Eskimo on d group;
limitation 2 sex with queen-oft. BELOW AR
selectd moral guided of d stories 1/6.
Tips..27. CARETAKER: is a women's proverb
whn they ready 2 comfort their concubine
frm ur own handlabour & make his heart
solid frm inner fear he might b having 4
fucking another man wife: they will frantically
tell him "there ar time we play by role &bcom
part of d role", which mean there ar time u
take wht doesn't blong 2u
as if u ar d original owner. In dis aspect, d
owner has bcom a caretaker since he fail too
2 perfrm d sexual thing so hard.
Tips..27. DNT GIVE UR FOOD 2a dog : There ar
times many husband or a male lover make
himself a pure
Care-taker over his own lady. D owner of d
good food den eat d remaining food left over
on his woman body.
Tips..28. FAILURES IN ABILITY 2 recognise wht
ur woman need will indeed make u a bonify
caretaker frm d positn of d legal ownership.
Tips..29. HOOD: if u as a man get weak whn
doin her,& u observe she still very much in d
mood, I beg u dear bro, there ar many
features in her dt u can b toying with till she
Tips..30. PILE "Jedi" & over labour or many
other factors must hav made u weak &
quickly cum b4 she cum, den begin fore-play
with ur own fingers shu b embrace. It is pure
romance dt make woman cum @time nt d
Tips..31. "DN'T" IN WOMAN life is very much
more than "DOES" dts whn talk abt sexing. Dnt
limit d speed whn she moan. Dnt abadon d
boobs whn she is on top. Dnt stop bangging
whn she hold ur nipples, dnt stp finger her
until u cum & so many "dnt" goes along with
woman rules whn she is still horny & dt U've
Tips..32. U WONT LIK DIS: i kno u wont lik seen
ur woman messing herself around y u r alive.
So pls, if u dnt wish 2 giv ur food 2 ur gate
man, if u dnt wish 2 giv ur food 2 ur younger
bro whn u r still very much alive. If u dnt wish
2 giv ur food 2 d pig u feed behind ur bar, i
beg U never leave ur woman while honny.
Tips..33. BE CALM 2 STUDY her mood after u
might hav cum, if she neva cum whn u've
cum, Oga mi, pls lay back beside her & begin
ur finger wrk in her boobs, pussy, abdomen
again. Never may u leave d bed whn u kno
she just develop lot of sexual orgasm in her.
Tips..34. HE SAID HOW COULD HE KNO if she
neva cum? How would u nt kno?, ar u nt
dsame 1 who put her in d mood?. Whn u
started kissing her lips, touching her
boobs, finger her opening gland, fucking her
pussy, u've 4getten dt; "whoever buy tortoise
leg, tortoise head, tortoise tail, will
eventually need 2 buy d whole tortoise". Only
wht u need 2 kno is, who need concentratn y
Tips..35. CONCENTRATION dt some men put on
their mind whn fucking woman is how
fastest d woman can tell they ar, some men
think on how can they gain back d money
they've paid 4 her up keeps or transport 2
their state of living & so many irrelevant
points like usually dominate men highly
concentratn, which is very wrong.
Tips..36. MARRIED MEN: till date, some men has
married 4 close 2 10yrs nw, yet they neva kno
how 2 satisfy their women. It has been found
out dt million married men dnt kno how 2
study their wife mood or make dem cum. Wht
u shu study in woman mood is d signs.
Tips..37. SIGNS: yes sign is wht u need 2 study
bro. Study how ur woman turning her ass
ur own shaft whn fucking. Bt, if she suddenly
stp doin dis, or stp goin up& down while
ontop, it means she is either tire of d style, or
having 1 pain or she has finally cum. Den wht
shu b ur next action seen her @dis sudden
Tips..38 LIKELY COMPONENT ?: D nest step u
need 2 take is ask her some likely component
"?s", e.g. how is she feeling. Dnt fail 2always
looking in2 her sparkle eyes, if she suddenly
stp rolling d eyes in their sockects, it means
she is done. So 2 kno if ur woman neva
satisfy try 2 study her body
Tips..39. YES: B-C is d theroy called. Dnt u see
how her eyes looking @ ur weak cock as if d
stick shu continue fluging her?. Dnt u see dt
her body temperature still warm?, Dnt u see
felt her pussy still breathing?, Dnt u see her
fingers still wrking on ur nipples?, Dnt u see
she still hang her legs accross urs?, Dnt u see
she neva sleep by turn up her ass?, Dnt u see
she neva turn her back against u?. If she still
on she will neva stop those "dnt u see", den
neva leave her y she still horny pls. Tips..40.
EGO&ENERGY: Som men has been so
carried away by wht they'll bcom,etc. Som of
dem strife hard 2 nourish his partner energy,
bt so 4gortive 2 nourish her feeling ego.
Tip..41. ENERGY & EGO must b equally satisfy,
especially wth womens of nwadays, else u'll
just actually labour in vain by d time u expect
dem 2 appreciate ur hardlabour,they 'll
instead mess u around wth commong guys.
Tips..42. SELF ESTEEM dt pple always see as
personal need means unique sex 2 some
women, bcus sex is part of every women
need afta u must hav been able 2 get her
food, shelter &provide 4d children U.
Tips..43. IDOL. U cant jus b decorating ur
woman with all gifts of d world wthout giving
her ur natural stick 2 chewing in almost every
9ts. Or is she an idol?
Tips..44. WHT MEN LACK: If u ar
legimately right 2enjoy sex, do understand dt
ur concentratn shouldn't b on wht 2 gain in
sexing her, bt alway stride 2 create
unforgotive memory in2 her brain, which can
always calling her back whn been disturb
Tips..45. MEMORY LANE. D way u create
un4gotive memory lane un2 ur spouse also
tend by d way u sex her, bcus if u giv ur
woman accurate time, appreciate her, sex her
2d maximum she always derive pleasure frm
it,I bet u guy, U gona live long in her hand.
Tips..46. ONCE U MARRY some1,den ready 2
marry his/her problem. Bcus He/She might lv
1 behavious which might b difficult 4 him/her
2easily leave, u better dance along wth d
Tips..47. SHE CANT LOOK radiant 4ever. As u
always cherish ur spouse feature nw dt her
boobs foaming&tantali zing, just dsame way
U shu contineu too as as soon ur kids must've
make it fall&flat, do remember dt u've once
told her dt com "wht may..U'll bla blah dia
4hr",den keep 2it, else som women can kill U
shu u abadon her @d d age.
Tips..48. TIME. -Men shu always rememba dt
female too do cum whn sexing,it is nt only
men dt cum,dia4 learn 2 make her climax b4
u go out of bed. Failures 2create a luxurious
time 4ur famly make u labour in vain,
rememba it is out of d time U spend wth ur
wife dt she count how u lv her.
Tips..49. "DNT" bcme a caretaker over ur own
product, pls learn how 2b in charge, even if
u've tire 2make ur woman cum once u've
cum, u can make ur fingers wrk hard on her
feature till she too cum. "Body no b wood".
Tips..50. ALL IS EQUAL to 1 value. -Romance,
Sex, Time, Money + gud communicatn does lot
of good in making home stand uprightness. -
Ladies, it is hight time u pple learn how 2 live
bold, brave, wise up, classically expert. U pple
shu b able 2express ur feeling wth ur men
verbally. Men ar ur comforter, ur
communicator, ur lvr, ur mesiah & nt nt ur

Tips..51. TO U COMPLAINANT: some Men do
complain dt most of women dnt kno how 2
play, ar u nt suppose 2 b her teacher, u can
teach her wht u lv most on bed, tel her how
wild u want it&promise 2 make her cum too.
Tips..52. 4 INNER WEAK. 2 all of U men dt lv
2go 4lng sexing, bt energeticaly weak 2 do so
can get Energy Dpp herbs dt will make u sex 4
so lng.
Tips..53. MARRY A WRNG PATNER do make sex
worst trully;dia4 try neva 2fight d1 u can't do
wthout,bt abov all, neva marry a person u
can't live wth. Marriage good bt 2make it
stand still got lot of sacrifices.
TIPS..54. Trully women ar nt lik a ball dt men
can play anyhow. Bt once God Himself has
ordained us d sex as only right 2: -source of
intutional body relif exercise, -Source of
happiness 2any true union, -Oil 4 lubricating
any trusted relatnship, -Only way 4 given birth
2d next generatn, -& as just a right act
2prevent us frm other irrational fornicatn.
Tips..55. LEGIMATELY u r free 2 play ur role
wth ur women just d way she lov it having
gotten d right dt cover d abov statements in
tips 54. If u ar legimately right 2 enjoy sex,
den u shu nt see urself as 1 who is just
playing his woman anyhow if u fuck her as if
it is 2horses dt r making lv.
Tips..56. PLAY: Bcus d says "play" itself com in
2broadly meaning.
1st- (i). Play: 2 take some1 4 fool.
(ii). Play: joking & making 1self happy. E.g kid
play. 2nd- meaning of play either mean 2
make ur wife boobs hot with very hard
smootching, tosting her vigo till she
squirt&make d good lv 2her till she started
calling u names, so doing dis 2her neva mean
u r playing ur woman lik a ball @all.
Tips..57. TYPE OF PLAY which I cant advice u is
taking ur woman 4granted, or playing prank
with many women @a time as it commonly
found every where in d world dis day.
Tips..58. SHE NEED IT very tough if trully she is
urs. She need u hard &hot, she need u every
where&with all styles, she need ur dick ur just
like a ball need ur legs. She need
ur mouth on her lips, ur flat togue on her
boobs, ur rolling fingers on her click, ur
strong cock on her pussy, she need ur all
energy in her system, she need all ur sexual
technique on d bed. Abov all, she need ur
devotnal time till she cum in d pussy either
ontop of ur cap or ur palm.
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