Monday, 3 September 2012


1ST TEST;Sam led her away frm d Kitchen&sat her ass on d chair in d palour,she adjusted her sitting&wide her legs even wt d mini skirt she wore.Pls dnt let it burn,,she plead 2Sam,as d1 was returning frm kitchen in2 his room,she shouted his name,Bro Sam pls my drug,He helded 2wards d direction she located 4him

SLEPT;B4 sam cud return frm d frigde,she has slept her back on d 3sitta,her boobs nw reveal mor in within d cloth she put on,d milky boobs mov back 2her neck,dt nearly touching her jaw,she posture her creamy laps,she down ward her legs on d chair lik dis figur^.As she stretched her left hand 2colect d drug frm Sam,1 of her boobs remov frm d cloth&she reluctantly park it back&say sory as Sam luk away frm d scene.

OUTING;Few days later Sam startd his outreach&weneva

he return,Jane wl b d1 2 meet him by d door step,many time she wl urge him&stay long un2 his body b4 free him 2coms in.Nt so long,she change d way she used 2dress weneva she want 2go&wake Sam 4morni devoltn,She started tiding blue towel round her chest&helded toward Sam room,afta she might've hang his nity somwhere&pick it weneva she is returnin.

@Dyning table in a 9te Br Sam anounced 2her..Madam I've bought alarm yestide,I wont lik worry u anymor 4waking m in each morni.4d res of d day,she fall sick

LATE 9TE FIRM:thank God it is sam room dt face palour Y d couples live upstairs of d building.She started delaying his husband in d palour watching movies lately,she do giv him much alcoho drink @time,b4 she wl started rubbing her hand on his chest,til she wl got 2his rod,weneva Tino which 2take her hand away frm him she wl turn it 2chaos&started crying til d1 wl get no option dan sexing her right there,quickly she wl com on top&make sure her mouth face Sam room direction,as d fuck goes on,such she wl increased d volume of her moan even til a rat in d house wl kno d game they ar playing

SEXY GIFT;She went 2d market&bought sexy towel,window blind,bed spread etc,she went 2 Sam room wt spare key in his house,&changed d window blind 2dt of a woman wt flower in within her 2 boobs,she changed d bed spead 2 d1 wt woman flat tommy,&d towel 2 d1 of man&woman kissing. Hardly can his eyes luk anycorner in d room wtout gazing @d sexy pics. She change all daily journals in d house 2sexy magazine,even d folks,spoons&ta
ble materials nw com wt woman&man diagram. Til Br Sam cant stay in palour anymor,she didnt stop playing al sort of romantic films in thier Tv&kissin Tino in front of Sam eachtimes they r 2geda in palour.

PASS;it got 2a stage dt sam wish 2get out of d house,bt once He rememba his pass,he wl succumb 2endure mor,Thank God,he has seen mor dan in d pass,com a day he was reading 4d lecture he wl deliva in nest day&Tino has cal his wife dt he wl b late @work,&Sam as usual has locked himself in his room,imidatly Jane cut off wt her hubby on phone,She sent 4 1 of her boyfriend&ask him 2 make hot&wild lv 2him even in front of Sam door step,she was mentioning Tino name each time d guy bang her as if it was Tino himself fucking her,4 gud 15min,she moan jus lik wen 2 tigers making lv.Frm den on Sam dnt relate wt Tino in cheerful mood.Y Tino knos nothing dt warrant d behaviours.

FOOD;each times Jane prepared food,he dish Sam food in apart. She wl had added much ginger,galick&a
l sort of roots dt boost man imune system 2Sam soup,She nw prapared pourage mor often dan b4. Knowing Sam lv local food,during d time dt Sam&Tino rappor seems rought,She make thier food apart&pray much @dyning as if she has change 2gud.Dis intuition mak sam started eaten her food nt knowing She was preparing his dick away frm pile.

D DAY;Tino travel as usual on Thur&wl b back by nest week sat 4a conf". Jane started playing gospel music wt much volume,knowing Sam was enjoy d track even as he was inside his room ther,she went 2d electronics set&put off d main socket,She breed 2 wires 2geda frm d home thearter set.Instantly she swtich on d socket,d thing blast wt heavy sound &she scream,As Sam heard both noise,&he rush out wt jus 3curter jeans on his waist,he saw d smoke,ar u save? he demand,Jane was shaking&fold herself as if heaven was falling on her,she point 2d electronic

@WORK;Sam got 2d shelf&pull out d socket,he saw dt d whole things has been met,wao wat can cos dis? He asked,Jane nw mov closed 2him,as she gaze @d whole wire.She told him dt they got mos of tools he cud used 2sort d things out,she went upstairs 2bring d tool kit down&wires

ACTION;as she was comin back,she has changed her cloth 2 half nity dt hardly cover her ass,she didnt wore pant,as Sam kneel on his knees&was doin litle he kno abt d fault,Such was Jane ask him 2stood up&said she kno how her hubby arrange d whole wires,den she kneel down&put her hand beneat d electronic shelf,as she bed down her head mor,her ass shut out 2wards Sam direction,bd 9ty cloth draw down 2hr shoda,b4 Sam cud take his eyes away,d whole pussy display 2him,his legs fail him,he cud nt mov&startd...


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