MY OUT REACH IS 4 WOMEN*OBSERVATIONOUR ORIGIN..OUR MISSIO...OUR VISION.... MY OBSERVATION: D current impending chaos happening in our contemporary families &,homes & in our nation in general, is as a result of ignorance&mostly on poor information,orientation dat people has accepted over d years 2be thier focus or as thier faith in handling maritas activities which thus resulting in2 family break ups & all other manners of relationships disasters,we there4 decided 2 form a forum where som of dis issue wud b discused & solution or needs wud b solved. OUR ORIGIN & MISSION;Dis is Social Non-Violent Organisation whose mission is 2 educate pipu abt so many things dt make life worth a living, rangin frm-Sex Educatn,-family planning&-guiding against unionism break-up,-war against child abuse/wife maltreating,-solving ur courtiship barrier-embarking in remading by repairing mens heart 2wards his family.-match-making,-recomending sugar dadi/mumi,-suport 2 less privilege jus 2mentn bt few. & d organisation adopted 2refers its self a Romantic & Family Affairs Kingdom, whose Ruler Her Royal Majestic Queen Oluwaseun Femitale Teminife-I(on f/book), wt all d cabinet associated wt d rules of a Royal Kindom being acorded 2d Kingdom. OUR VISSION;And it is our vission 2 take d teaching & idea of this special kingdom into everyhome,every religious,every groups,around d globe.We shall also in a due time be visiting Radio an Tv station & others special networks,media station&milions of home around d world. OUR SUPPLICATION;We dia4 encourage all our new,old&intending members 2offer thier best in upholding d Great fundamentals of Establishing dis Kingdom. OFICIALS IN D KINGDOM:4easy &smooth way of running things in dis Kingdom wtout any delay,d oficial of dis cabinet comprise of d following able personnel. Who u can consult 4mor rapid response over ur problem or self esteem needs.1. Phollaby Gbhengar.. d Akogun2. Ramat Abubakar.. D pro3. Deola Ora.. Zonal consultant4. Nita Johnson&Sam John.. D planning committee5. Princess Tyra. MATCHMATE OR CONNECTION.To m there is always progress in moving 4ward.U nid human in all journey u might lik 2embark. Dia4 u nid 2relate wt pipu,if u mean 2liv long.Relationship is nt by do or die. If u fail out of it,giv it anoda trial else where.I seen friendship as somtin lik magnetic force which it pick only iron particle.It good @time 2deal wt who u realy lik&it only work out jus by giv it a trial.So men&women can meet anywhere&giv d "gos" a "trial". PROCESS;A). WOMEN; ar 2inbox m thier age,occup,gsm,religion,base&likes.B). MEN; ar 2 inbox m thier age,occup,gsm,religion,base,&gsm. TERM&CONDITION;I may demand 4 litu Etisalat or Airtel cal-credit card @times, it is jus 2speak wt such dear friends if condition warrant calling on phone.Bt dnt fear i dnt scam pipu. GREATING CODE &WEN CHARTING;Whip mean natural cane dt an able man used 2enjoy fun wt his wife,so i bilif an healthy man wil lik 2go mor rounds afta 1st round.2 great m or chart wt m dnt say hia). Whn i say Whiping..!b). Reply m&say "U can go further" INBOX M & SMS; Problem unsolve,is a problem multiplies,inbox m ur ?To note ur point&2get back 2u,wen i ask u 2reply m&type BDB.. In remiding m ur case in my inbox,jus do i say,it is jus code i used 2get back 2u. MY GROUP PAGE IS 4U;type... Queen OFT kings and Queens breeds ...in2 d search box below ur FB wall provided by F/B den click on d search;Dnt mis a word,so imidatly d page appear,den click on d "Like" &bcom member-4 heavenly seductive pics, -4 romantic&sexy write up, -4 unlimited space 4 frenx, -4 instantly responce&ans 2 ur "?". B dia. 1. Y I TUTORS SEX EDUCATION: My mum told m b4 she goes dt African women ar d largest piples dat gain notin frm d wrk they labour 4 due 2 almost 5vital things they lack. She take m round d biology test book&lay emphaxize on poor way w do hav d term&task,which is d oil 2 a relationship&lng lives,SEX. Sex carry 70% of major factors contributes 2divorces dt hapen here&there. She tel m d amples of imunes dt we african ladies loose whn doin sex poorly.Which if we fail 2let d substance flow out of our system tru hard&gud way of sexy,we might gro too old dan our age. 2de am 4d orientation&I sha kip u hold 2ur partner. 2. RELIGIOUS&SEX: I wonda how african ladies view religion. R" musnt take away ur home frm u. It is 4 stability of ur home. God made u an angel 4som 1.Who is..? Imidatly ur Pastor, Imam, Chief, Richman, King & Presidence ar on bed, or home wt dia wives,they ar no longer seen as dox title bt Wat?. Husband,Dad,&OpositeSex or Partner. Den tel m how does d term Sex bcom a sin in presence of Relgion?.Muslim can say how Quran lay much illustration on how u mus satisfy ur men in boldnex&in expert manner&is dsame thing Bible says 4who legally bond 2do so. Failures 2dis effectively means u equally fail ur role as a religious practisioner.
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