W've found dt younger females frequently hav no real knowlegde of d process of sexual arousal. In particular, women often need quite a lot of help 2 learn how 2 reach orgasm.
Unlike males- most of whom can 'com easily frm d moment they reach puberty- females wl often spend a couple of years experimenting wt thier sexual feelings b4 they eventually learn how 2com regularly & realiably.
Bt once woman hav learned 2 cast off thier inhibitions & they enjoy sex, they tend 2 respond 2 sexual stimuli in very much d same way. & dat's whn u see a lady who a man fuck yestide or couples of days back who cried or fear pain of been fucked 4d 1st time nw demand 4 many rounds of hard fucks frm d same man who was manage 2 disvirging her in such couples of days back. ( sequels 2 part..1)
& finally she climaxes. Wht generally happens here is dt she experiences a waves of ever-increasing pleasure, till eventually d last 1 is so mind- blowing dt she nearly passes out.
@ d moment, nearly all woman cry out- something very loudly. D muscles of thier faces & bodies contract violently (bt very enjoyably)- & den after a while everything relaxes.
No, nt really. These days, most women can- if they want 2 go on 2 hav further climaxes. But dis wil only happen if:
* they are happy & relaxed.
* they are being skilfully stimulated.
* they are learned how 2 hav multiple orgasm.
This is of course, a dramatic difference btwn females & males. Nearly all men hav no chance whtever of enjoying multiple climaxes!
1ST CASE STUDY; WATER TERAPHY FUCK OF SIS ANN. 'I am Ann Nndu, i hav neva tasted dick in my life, bt wht ever i watch ghana movies or american romantic movies, i do feel som kind of reaction in my body. Is either i found my arm-pit watery or my pussy water. They produce som kind of swell dt it got my pant wet. Bt since i kno nothing, i didnt care. & @times i do noticed my nipple gro mor longer or ticker dan its normaly size rightly inside my very bra.
Com a time i rushed inside my room frm Palour where i was watching such a movie b4 d reatction started taken placed in m. So i felt d niple growing hard & warming, i loosed my bra inside my room, i nw saw it clearly dt trully dis niple usualy grow bigger whenever d thing or d fire taken placed in my body. But in within som min dt fan blowed m som airs, i saw d niple getting reduced in sized. Dis thing suprise m. So much dt i hav 2 called my boy friend & told him if am ok.
He too was innocent of this experience been a sch boy lik m. He promised 2 help m out. Thats how he took m 2 his elder bro who was jus a Chemist den, who we all regards 2 as Dr in our very local area. Inglorant piple, poor us.
He lied 2 my boy friend dt he will send 4 my parent dt i had disease which wil need much treatment, he did such trully. & he was given much money by my dad. He promise m whn he wl take m 2 near buy hospital i which d hospital was an hotel room.
As we reached his shop 1st, he gave m a pills in presence of my mum n asked my mum 2b goin home saying i wil b ok, den she left 2her shop. Nt so much long 2 d min dt mum left i found out dt my eyes were dizzle den, i told him, he den ingniton his old Suzuki bike & he said we were goin 2 hop. Luckly 4him, hardly can i diferenciate btwn Hotel & Hosp, wt d way they both look, i didnt look up @ d Sign Board, i jus staggered enta where he pointed 4m.
In d 1st place, i was been carried away by d majestic decoration of such hotel,den he gav m wine which it imidatly started working on all my system. I got mor confidence, den he asked m 2 rubb 1 think lik balm so much on dt my nipples, i expected Him 2 get out bt been d1 we called a Dr, since he stayed wt m, i pull off my bra, here my both full n fresh boobs danced out b4 him, den i started rubbing d thing on it.
He stayed away 4som min, den he shouted on m,,nt lik dt! He den mov 2m & stay behind m,my sitting positn nw make my both ass in within his 2 legs,he brought his hand came 2d front on my boobs beneath my both armpits,&started massage d cream on my both boobs up &down gently,til all my body started shaking.
Den as he observed dt,he started eaten my ears nobe,&winning his tongue inside my ear hole,dis actiong jus grow my pussy lips in within my laps. My legs becom lifeless, den he left my back&i jus found my back on d ground,such i saw dis man knels in within my laps&he started sucking my niple,down 2 my navel&2my public hairs till he pull of my paint.
I wanted 2stop him but i am 2cold&weak,he pulse &gave m much water 2drink,lie 2m dt,dts wht it take 2 treat d disease. He wining his finger on my pussy,as he try mor,such he wet d pussy wt water,as he click his tongue on my navel,such he did it on my pussy. As he blewed airs 2my ears such he did 2my nose.
By d time he wil spend almos 12min licking all d sencitive parts of my body,i've wet twice,he den put d dick in2 my pussy mouth&put it in wt litu 4ce.