Thursday, 23 August 2012



W've found dt younger females frequently hav no real knowlegde of d process of sexual arousal. In particular, women often need quite a lot of help 2 learn how 2 reach orgasm.

Unlike males- most of whom can 'com easily frm d moment they reach puberty- females wl often spend a couple of years experimenting wt thier sexual feelings b4 they eventually learn how 2com regularly & realiably.

Bt once woman hav learned 2 cast off thier inhibitions & they enjoy sex, they tend 2 respond 2 sexual stimuli in very much d same way. & dat's whn u see a lady who a man fuck yestide or couples of days back who cried or fear pain of been fucked 4d 1st time nw demand 4 many rounds of hard fucks frm d same man who was manage 2 disvirging her in such couples of days back. ( sequels 2 part..1)

& finally she climaxes. Wht generally happens here is dt she experiences a waves of ever-increasing pleasure, till eventually d last 1 is so mind- blowing dt she nearly passes out.

@ d moment, nearly all woman cry out- something very loudly. D muscles of thier faces & bodies contract violently (bt very enjoyably)- & den after a while everything relaxes.

No, nt really. These days, most women can- if they want 2 go on 2 hav further climaxes. But dis wil only happen if:
* they are happy & relaxed.
* they are being skilfully stimulated.
* they are learned how 2 hav multiple orgasm.

This is of course, a dramatic difference btwn females & males. Nearly all men hav no chance whtever of enjoying multiple climaxes!

1ST CASE STUDY; WATER TERAPHY FUCK OF SIS ANN. 'I am Ann Nndu, i hav neva tasted dick in my life, bt wht ever i watch ghana movies or american romantic movies, i do feel som kind of reaction in my body. Is either i found my arm-pit watery or my pussy water. They produce som kind of swell dt it got my pant wet. Bt since i kno nothing, i didnt care. & @times i do noticed my nipple gro mor longer or ticker dan its normaly size rightly inside my very bra.

Com a time i rushed inside my room frm Palour where i was watching such a movie b4 d reatction started taken placed in m. So i felt d niple growing hard & warming, i loosed my bra inside my room, i nw saw it clearly dt trully dis niple usualy grow bigger whenever d thing or d fire taken placed in my body. But in within som min dt fan blowed m som airs, i saw d niple getting reduced in sized. Dis thing suprise m. So much dt i hav 2 called my boy friend & told him if am ok.

He too was innocent of this experience been a sch boy lik m. He promised 2 help m out. Thats how he took m 2 his elder bro who was jus a Chemist den, who we all regards 2 as Dr in our very local area. Inglorant piple, poor us.

He lied 2 my boy friend dt he will send 4 my parent dt i had disease which wil need much treatment, he did such trully. & he was given much money by my dad. He promise m whn he wl take m 2 near buy hospital i which d hospital was an hotel room.

As we reached his shop 1st, he gave m a pills in presence of my mum n asked my mum 2b goin home saying i wil b ok, den she left 2her shop. Nt so much long 2 d min dt mum left i found out dt my eyes were dizzle den, i told him, he den ingniton his old Suzuki bike & he said we were goin 2 hop. Luckly 4him, hardly can i diferenciate btwn Hotel & Hosp, wt d way they both look, i didnt look up @ d Sign Board, i jus staggered enta where he pointed 4m.

In d 1st place, i was been carried away by d majestic decoration of such hotel,den he gav m wine which it imidatly started working on all my system. I got mor confidence, den he asked m 2 rubb 1 think lik balm so much on dt my nipples, i expected Him 2 get out bt been d1 we called a Dr, since he stayed wt m, i pull off my bra, here my both full n fresh boobs danced out b4 him, den i started rubbing d thing on it.

He stayed away 4som min, den he shouted on m,,nt lik dt! He den mov 2m & stay behind m,my sitting positn nw make my both ass in within his 2 legs,he brought his hand came 2d front on my boobs beneath my both armpits,&started massage d cream on my both boobs up &down gently,til all my body started shaking.

Den as he observed dt,he started eaten my ears nobe,&winning his tongue inside my ear hole,dis actiong jus grow my pussy lips in within my laps. My legs becom lifeless, den he left my back&i jus found my back on d ground,such i saw dis man knels in within my laps&he started sucking my niple,down 2 my navel&2my public hairs till he pull of my paint.

I wanted 2stop him but i am 2cold&weak,he pulse &gave m much water 2drink,lie 2m dt,dts wht it take 2 treat d disease. He wining his finger on my pussy,as he try mor,such he wet d pussy wt water,as he click his tongue on my navel,such he did it on my pussy. As he blewed airs 2my ears such he did 2my nose.

By d time he wil spend almos 12min licking all d sencitive parts of my body,i've wet twice,he den put d dick in2 my pussy mouth&put it in wt litu 4ce.



 My aims & objcetives so far on internet has so much based on problem solving on marital barrier, bt piple need 2 kno wht is really causing some of these barriers. Which mostly, such barrier do tear family apart. So since i see African as most pretending or pretendance type of creature, i there4 stand out 2 giv 2 d world wht i kno how 2 do best. Which is talk on sex.

I tutor sex, i do sex, i preach 4 sex & i heal 4sex. Nw dt i back 2 Nigeria 2 pick up frm where i stop since Feb of dis year, lets go back 2 my system & my way of life.
I will be posting & loading pix which u as my students will b reading beneat dem, & comment wht u feel. My pix r nt 2 spread inmoral act, bt 2 lecture, tutor & sensetice piple brain abt reality challenge awaiting dem on Sexual bondage.

Lets us enjoy today lectures. 

Title:how woman want sex.....

 Do all women hav d same sexual feelings? No they dont. In actual fact, women vary enormously in thier "sexual drive". Some dnt feel very interested in sex @all- whereas others are passionate n wild abt it. If such woman fuck ur man once, my sis pls 4get it, u hav loose him already & dis is Y u shu ask urself nw, who shu b sexually expert?

Bt an extraordinary change has takek place in d last 50 years or so. By d 21st century, all dt had change frm d point of Dr dt in d 20th century dt is few women dt r enthusiastically sexy. Today, it is widely assumed by medial- & by many of d public- dt most women r easily arouse by sexual stimuli & dt only a minority hav d litttle interest in sex.

Infact, dt isnt really true. Our research indicates dt although most modern females r much mor open abt sex, & r keen 2 enjoy it; it takes dem time 2 learn how 2 do dis. This is why many recent men too go in deep & in & in 2 make thier women enjoy d sex till thier pussy fluiding. D technique, d facts, d open debate, d case study of such action r wht i promise d members of this group. Keep adding & inviting other, keep advert on ur wall post abt this group til it bcom secreet group 4 only Loyal & carriable members. Stay stune pls.. 

Indeed a small study which we completed @ Lome in March 22 in dis year indicated dt a considerable proportion of young women jus starting @ university hav thus far developed very little interest in sex (or knowledge abt it), & hav nt even learned 2 reach orgasm yet. However, many of dem do become very much 'sexually charge' as years progress.


once women hav learned 2 cast off thier inhibitions & enjoy sex, they tend 2 respond 2 sexual stimulant in very much d same way. There4, dnt hate ur male-patner whn ready 2 sex. Dnt seem 2 b irritating of any part in his body. Stay relax. Stay heathy. B wild in expectation, bt b slick, soften in handling. Release all ur vain. B teasure in nature. See his dick as ur sugar. Dnt mind any bt he has got, dnt think of other things. Dnt conderm his poor performance bt guide in along. Let him touch all yr parts wt ur instruction, even communicate along d game.

WHT AR WOMEN'S SEXUAL REACTION; a woman's 1st response 2 sexual stimulation is usually a nice, warm feeling all over her body- as d begin 2 let herself go. @d same time her pulse rate starts 2 go up, &d pupils of her eyes get bigger. Incidentially, dis widening of d pupils makes her mor attratctive sexually. In d olden days, drugs like belladonna(beautiful woman) were used 2 produce dis effect. Bt dis days my students, u can produce enough sexual stimulant in ur woman by learn how 2 touch d '16 GLANDs' dt her pussy contain. Lecture on dis topic soon.

WHT HAPPENS TO HER SEX ORGANS AS SHE GETS AROUSE?; Laboratory studies carried out in Holland recently show dt as soon as a woman starts thinking wt interest abt sex, her vaginal begins 2 moisten. (Dis is d female equivalent of erection in men)

D reason 4 dis moistening is 2 indicate her vaginal, in preparation 4 possible sexual activity.
@d same time, various other things happen:
- her clitoris- d most erotically sensitive part of her body swells up.
- her labia (d lips of d opening of her vaginal) also swell up. D effect of dis is 2 open up her vaginal opening slightly, in prepearation 4 d intercourse(sex).
- inside her, her vaginal opens up- making room 4 d possible entry of a penis & 4 sleppery purpose.

WHT HAPPENS NEST; As she get mor & mor aroused, her breasts will swell a little & her nipples wll bcom mor porminent. Her breathing gets faster & she starts 2 gasp. Her eyes tend 2 becom glazed & she is likely 2 lick her lips- thus making dem even mor attractive 2 her partner. If she is fair skinned, a faint pink 'rash' wil develop @ d base of her neck n over her breasts.


& FINALLY? Pls b here 2morow 2 enjoy d rest lecture. Dnt late 2d class. Tells&Invite other, advert dis group on ur wall post thus: . 2 SEX with Queen-OFT 

8 Ladis r 4 matchmate.

Thursday, 16 August 2012

Laws of sex

                                                                Laws of sex

The more beautiful the woman is who loves you, the easier it is to leave her with no hard feelings.
Nothing improves with age.
No matter how many times you've had it, if it's offered take it, because it'll never be quite the same again.
Sex has no calories.
Sex takes up the least amount of time and causes the most amount of trouble.
There is no remedy for sex but more sex.
Sex appeal is 50% what you've got and 50% what people think you've got.
No sex with anyone in the same office.
Sex is like snow; you never know how many inches you are going to get or how long it is going to last.
A man in the house is worth two in the street.
If you get them by the balls, their hearts and minds will follow.
Virginity can be cured.
When a man's wife learns to understand him, she usually stops listening to him.
Never sleep with anyone crazier than yourself.
The qualities that most attract a woman to a man are usually the same ones she can't stand years later.
Sex is dirty only if it's done right.
It is always the wrong time of month.
The best way to hold a man is in your arms.
When the lights are out, all women are beautiful.
Sex is hereditary. If your parents never had it, chances are you won't either.
Sow your wild oats on Saturday night -- Then on Sunday pray for crop failure.
The younger the better.
The game of love is never called off on account of darkness.
It was not the apple on the tree but the pair on the ground that caused the trouble in the garden.
Sex discriminates against the shy and the ugly.
Before you find your handsome prince, you've got to kiss a lot of frogs.
There may be some things better than sex, and some things worse than sex. But there is nothing exactly like it.
Love your neighbor, but don't get caught.
Love is a hole in the heart.
If the effort that went in research on the female bosom had gone into our space program, we would now be running hot-dog stands on the moon.
Love is a matter of chemistry, sex is a matter of physics.
Do it only with the best.
Sex is a three-letter word which needs some old-fashioned four-letter words to convey its full meaning.
One good turn gets most of the blankets.
You cannot produce a baby in one month by impregnating nine women.
Love is the triumph of imagination over intelligence.
It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.
Thou shalt not commit adultery...UNLESS U ARE IN THE MOOD.
Never lie down with a woman who's got more troubles than you.
Abstain from wine, women, and song; mostly song.
Never argue with a women when she's tired -- or rested.
A woman never forgets the men she could have had; a man, the women he couldn't.
What matters is not the length of the wand, but the magic in the stick.
It is better to be looked over than overlooked.
Never say no.
A man can be happy with any woman as long as he doesn't love her.
Folks playing leapfrog must complete all jumps.
Beauty is skin deep; ugly goes right to the bone.
Never stand between a fire hydrant and a dog.
A man is only a man, but a good bicycle is a ride.
Love comes in spurts.
The world does not revolve on an axis.
Sex is one of the nine reasons for reincarnation; the other eight are unimportant.
Smile, it makes people wonder what you are thinking.
Don't do it if you can't keep it up.
There is no difference between a wise man and a fool when they fall in love.
Never go to bed mad, stay up and fight.
Love is the delusion that one woman differs from another.
"This won't hurt, I promise."
to enjoy more of this visit us on : 


I know practically dt it is nt easy coping wt we women @all times witout any rows or barriers under ur roof. Although a husband & wife, who form a joint family life, share & cooperate in running d affairs of thier house, they might feel dt it shu be he who decide abt family affairs, with his wife's indisputable agreement.

@ d same time his wife may object 2her role as d obedient party. Arguments & rows may den start bcus both parties attempt 2 establish thier authority over d other. Like Dr mrs who find hard 2 kneel down 4 her mother in-law due 2d fact, she was in uniform. Her husband due pull out 2shake hand with her dad bcus he was in Army uniform. And dis little barrier caused m 2involved in d matter @Lome.

D best solution 2 such a problem is dt both should try 2 refrain frm acting as superior 2 d other &dialogue with deep mutual understanding.

Trully my fellow cabinet proof dt many women are sturbon dis days due 2 the fact dat they are equal in education, finacial status wt thier husband. If dt shu b d case sincerely & after much tolerance of d man, d 4llowing ar d way he can take to deal wt her instead of hitting her as commonly found by many men presently.

(A) EMOTIONAL PUNISHMENT 4WOMEN. Emotionally, u can deal wt ur spouse nt 2d extents of allow him or her 2 commit sucide.
The 1st stage is giving advice. How many men enjoy doin dis, i saw Alaji Folawiyo b4 he dead, &see d way he do lecture his wives.

2nd, d man shu avoid sharing her bed or turn his back 2wards her, &in dis way he shu show his anger nt publicly bt privatly (dats 2 say, whn u r in palour dnt act as if u has anything against her in presence of ur kids, or friends, he might want 2 kis u, kis her back,bt in ur inner room deny her of dt).

If nothing positive happens @d end of d 2nd stage & stil d woman continues 2refuse her husband, he is permitted show some kind of action of annoyance, bt wt better understanding dt, u ar nt expert too.

A man, however is nt permitted 2 surpass d prescribed limit & resort 2 oppression. Men r reminded of d following.
1. D aim of physical punishment of one's wife shu be a way of education & nt dt of taking revenge.

2. Hitting shu b done by hand or by using a sleeve of cloth.

3. Hitting 2d extent dt results in changing d colour of d sking(2blue or red) is nt permitted, no matter how sturbon ur wife is.

4. Hitting of sensitive parts of d body such as d eyes, head etc as commonly found by african men is nt permitted.

5. Phyical purnishment shu nt b so hard as 2 create hatred & ill-feeling btwn d couple, or 2 drive d wife 2wards mor disobedience act.

6. A man (who intends 2 punish his wife in dis manner) shu remember dt he is 2 live wt his wife & dt d family lov shu nt destroy.

7. A man is nt allowed 2 hit his wife if there r legitimate reasons 4 her non-compliance wt his wishes. E.g, if she is in d state of menstration, fasting in d month of Ramadan, even it is supported biblically dt man shu not 4 any reason whtsoever hitt a sick, fasting or mestral woman.

8. Avoid her food which she has so much labour 2 prepare is biblically, islamically, culturally & ideologically suport. As jus 2 make her feel bad of wht she has done so wrong.

It has been recently helping in India societies dt if such a thing happen, man shu pretend so much @dis level 2 save souls. He shu jus draw her head nearer & give such a woman a deep kiss, till she will felt arose.

Further more, if such incident occur in presence of thier children, man is adviced 2make d kiss too light & found way of pushing or dragging d woman 2wards her room.

Enviromentally, millions of Africa couples live in a face-2-face house, &billion of dem used a room even wt thier kids & since there is no way to prevent such a thing in any family. It is adviced dt d man shu find where 2sit his ass as d woman hold d cloths against his neck, & shu demostrated 2b in total peace wt her during d period & find a way 2disguise as if he has grow weak lik acting lik fainting. There no woman who will lov to kill her husband. So seen her husband dying, she will loose d clothes on him.

i learn many women hard 2change d way of her normall outing once already married. It can b truth, outing of woman afta married shu b of limit bt nt 2b deprive of all outing.

This right of men is not meant to be a show of strenght or an attempt @ putting pressure on thier wives, bt a means of preventing women frm goin to undesirable and unsuitable places.

Woman is a weakness being, pls adopt enough skill and concreate experience to live with us.


I enjoy to read u all, as u invite other to join us here, mor work n fun r on d way 4u here. Thank u.

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Top 10 Signs of a Cheating Man

1. Spends less time with you.
A cheating man must use the excuse of working long hours, extra meetings and dinners or other unexplained functions so he will have time with his “other” woman.

2. Isn’t as affectionate any more.

Your sex life in almost non-existent because of his other commitments. He doesn’t want to cuddle, watch a movie, hold hands or do many of the touchy things he used to.

3. He changes his physical appearance.

A cheating man usually starts buying new clothes, gets a new hair style or begins working out because he wants to be attractive to the other woman in his life besides you.
4. Car changes.

The passenger seat in the car has been moved or there is an unknown hair on the car seat. Perhaps the radio station is on an irregular station because that’s what she likes.
5. Change in temperament.

A cheating man becomes more short-tempered because of the guilty feelings as a result of the infidelity. Things that usually did not bother them suddenly start bothering them…
6. A new fragrance.

A cheating man may smell of perfume, smoke or alcohol, especially if he hasn’t had time to change them from meeting with her.
7. Behavioral changes.

A cheating man frequently becomes defensive when questioned about his whereabouts. He may turn it around to accuse you of being insecure, possessive or snoopy.

8. Cell phone changes.

A cheating man can not leave his telephone turned on when with you because his other woman may phone him. He may leave the room to have a telephone conversation or say strange things after he picks up a message from his lover. Watch for calls in the middle of the night. If you have access to his telephone bill, check it closely. Look for repeated unknown numbers, times and durations.

9. Computer usage changes.

A cheating man may utilize a computer to seek out partners or communicate with. If your man is on his computer for long periods of time at night and he closes the door so you won’t see him, he may be communicating or chatting with his love interest.
10. Changes in spending habits.
You can tell if your man is cheating if he is suddenly always broke. He’s broke because he is spending all of his money on the other woman. Watch as to whether he is paying with cash and making more frequent ATM withdrawals to cover his paper trail. Check any receipts, bills or stubs that you may have access to.

Once you know if your man is cheating or not, make sure you have a plan of action that you will take after you accuse him. You need to decide whether it’s time for you to move on or whether this relationship may be worth a second chance.